Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments

We all have aches and pains from viruses or just general day to day living but many of us also have other problems that are with us all the time or most of the time. Some of these long term symptoms we don't even bother mentioning to the doctor because we put them down to age, being unfit, tiredness, a cold we had months ago and that just won't go away... We learn to live with them or live round them. We suffer quietly and cope as best we can. But its not normal to have an on-going  runny nose or regular trips to the toilet or constipation all the time. 

Below you will find a list of symptoms that I have had for a long time over the past six years. Some of them started even before that. Many of them disappeared on going gluten free, others after I took out the other grains and dairy but come back from time to time for reasons that I'm still not sure of (and that doctors have even less of an idea). This list may vary from person to person. My daughter has some of these symptoms but also has others which I have listed (see My Daughter's Story).

I have also added a list of my "diagnosed" illnesses although I consider IBS and ME to be just a consequence of an imbalanced system or intolerances and that I firmly believe that I will find a solution for at some point.

Illnesses to date and treatment:
·         IBS                                        same as coeliac
·         ME                                        same as coeliac
·         Leaky gut                              same as coeliac
·         Chronic candidose               yeast free and sugar free diet, grapefruit seed extract,
                                             caprylic acid, digestive enzymes, vit D
·         Coeliac                                   grain free, dairy free, nightshade free diet
·         Asthma                                 inhalers
·         Spasmophilia                        magnesium and calcium
·         Reactive hypoglycemia      low GI diet

Symptoms List

Below you will find a list of symptoms (although I am sure I have missed some) that I have had for a long time over the past six years. Some of them started even before that. Many of them disappeared on going gluten free, others after I took out the other grains and dairy but come back when I eat something I shouldn’t or for some other unknown reason. Those highlighted are the ones that still continue today even if milder than before .

Weight fluctuation
Abdominal pain
Bad taste in mouth/throat
Difficulty eating/weight in stomach after a stomach
Difficulty swallowing/Numbness in mouth and tongue
Discomfort under right ribs (liver or gall bladder?)
Excessive hunger even after big meals
Stomach cramps
Tummy swells up and look pregnant
Very thirsty particularly after sweet things

Anaemia (iron deficiency)
Chronic fatigue
Excessive saliva with slavering at night
Excessive sweating at night
Feeling as though I had drunk 10 cups of coffee but having drunk none
Food cravings especially sweet things or starch foods
Hypoglycaemia/drop in blood sugar levels
Hypotension/drop in blood pressure
Irregular heartbeats
Lightheaded feeling or fainting
Mineral deficiency (magnesium)
Mouth ulcers
Pains in chest
Sensitive teeth all the time regardless of food or temperature etc
Slow heartbeat
Tired on waking with improvement in the afternoon
Water retention or swelling of legs, hands and face

Irregular periods/No periods
Urgent and frequent urination sometimes with incontinence
Vaginal discharge – heavy and permenant with no apparent reason

Muscular aches and pains particularly after eating sweet things
Pins and needles in hands

Anxiety/panic attacks
Blurred vision
Brain fog
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty speaking
Headaches and migraines
Intolerance to stress
Intolerance to noise
Irritable and explosions of anger that are disproportionate or for no reason
Mental confusion
Mixing words up or thinking one word and saying another
Poor memory

Difficult breathing as though not getting enough air into lungs
Itchy eyes and throat
Itchy nose
Nasal congestion/sinusitis
Post-nasal drip/catarrh
Runny nose
Sore throat
Watering eyes

Burning sensation on skin when its cold or with vibration eg swimming, cycling
Itching starting on legs and spreading all over body until I could rip my skin off
Very dark shadows and puffy eyes

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