Sunday 11 March 2012

Hypotoxic Diet

Fourth day of a hypotoxic diet and am actually feeling a little better. I'm still having allergy symptoms such as runny nose, itchy throat and eyes, but felt more energetic. I've also felt very sleepy at bed times and really needed to go to sleep (which doesn't happen that often). My nails feel stronger and my eyes aren't as quite as puffy this morning either. I'm still having digestive problems but they seem milder. As for the numb tongue and throat, that has disappeared too, and trust me thats a definate bonus! 

Three days of a hypotoxic diet is still too early to come to any conclusions as it could all just be a coincidence so we'll have to a wait a few weeks for that. Dr Joshi says that to be 'detoxed' you really need to do it for three weeks. The 'diet' I'm following is based on Dr Joshi's detox diet and Dr Seignalet's diet. Dr Seignalet was a famous french doctor who devised a diet with a detailed explanation of why it worked and for what types of illness (there are more than a hundred ranging from endometriosis to asthma from canal carpian to depression to fibromyalgia).  All doctors and alternative medicine practioners who I have been to have Dr Seignalet's book sitting on their shelf yet it has never been translated into English and there is very little on internet about it.

The diet is quite limited but I am actually not fonding it as hard as I thought I would. Dr Joshi had a few tips and I also bought a dehydrator at Christmas and am now eating tons of very moreish vegetable crisps per day. The only concern I have for me is keeping the weight on so I would say there is a big advantage for some people who follow this diet is that you detox and lose weight!

My daughter is not doing so well at the moment. In fact I feel like we've jumped back in time about a year. The crying, mood swings and insomnia is creeping back in. I thought it was probably just a bad day or week - everyone has them and I do try not to put everything down to our 'illness' - but it's getting progressively difficult and the insomnia is a big indicator. She's been in quite a bit of pain as well because as soon as she falls or bangs herself, she is in a lot of pain for up to two weeks and that has been more and more frequent. I'm considering putting her on this detox diet. I'll wait a few more days to see how I get on but I think it would probably help.

We're still waiting for the intolerance testing kits to arrive. I eagerly check the mail every day hoping they've arrived but still nothing. My dad will get his this week so I'm really impatient for that too. I'm also off to the hospital on Tuesday to see an allergy consultant who specialises in food allergy. To be honest I'm not expecting a great deal from him but at least I will have been thorough.


  1. Oh Karen it all sounds so frustrating and admire your will to just "foncer" to find the solution. Poor Chloé - it must be hard for you to see her that way. Léopoldine's been totally without chocolate for over a week and she says nothing much has changed - still good bad tummy and headache ... we'll carry on for a bit and then I'll let you know. Take care Karen and good luck

  2. Hi Karen,

    I am the translator of a new book by Dr. Seignalet's two daughters, one of whom is a doctor. It explains in simple terms Dr. Seignalet's sometime complex theories. It also tells you exactly how to follow the diet, with some menu and recipe suggestions.

    The book is called "How to prevent and reverse 100 diseases the new French way with Dr. Seignalet's diet miracle". You can get it on amazon:

    Dr. Seignalet's 700 page magnum opus is being translated and will appear sometime in 2016.

    Cheers Chris
