Thursday 5 April 2012

Blood Test Results, MRI and Reiki

My quest for an answer to all this continues. Nothing changes. Symptoms come and go but neither me nor my daughter are ever symptom-free. I have returned to my GP who has done more blood tests. My white blood count has decreased since last time and is starting to get to levels which show that there is really something not quite right. Thery have been gradually going down for the last three or four years so he is actually starting to accept  that there may be a problem! However it has nothing to do with my symptoms - I'm sure he still thinks most of those are imaginary... I also have low Vit D despite taking tablets for that and my triglycerides are getting lower, despite the fact that I eat meat very regularly and have olive oils every day. Trust me, I'm not starving myself. I have wondered if any of it could be due to my diet but all this started well before then. And my daughter has had her blood test results which show the same pattern - low WBC, low vit D, low triglycerides and she eats everything but gluten and yeast. So while it bothers me that my daughter seems to be on exactly the same path as me, with a few months delay, perhaps our power is that because we both have the same things, then someone might take us more seriously. It may also help to eliminate certain things or highlight others. We will just have to retest my daughter as the test for Lyme came back as suspicious, but mine came back negative - but then there is a school of thought that says that you can have a negative result for ELISA, but still be positive. I think when I go back for my daughter, I will ask for Western Blot and/or PCR.

So my GP finally admitted defeat and is sending me off to another specialist. This time it is a sort of Dr House - in France it is called Internal Medecine. So with a bit of luck, we might get more answers. As a child I was very into doing 'projects'. So I've decided to tackle this in the same way and make this my 'health project'. It will keep me focused and hopefully keep me going when I am having a bad day. To be honest I have had a few recently, and even began to wonder if one day I will find an answer and a cure. I try not to think about it but some days it gets to be too much. It isn't always easy to talk to family about it either. You want to be strong. You don't want them to get any more worried than they already are. And you don't want to keep going on about it all. A support group would be good perhaps. It would mean you could brainstorm ideas and support each other when times get tough.

Sometimes it is a lot to carry. The responsibility of 'finding a solution' so we can all get back on with life, even more so that of your daughter's. So I've decided to go for a few sessions of Reiki to help me sort my 'energies' out and hopefully put a few things back in the right place. I've had one session so far and the woman does a sequence if four to 'put things right'. I've decided to give it a go and to be honest, I have already felt a few changes. It feels as though things are 'clearer' in my head. Before I jump for joy, I'll see how I feel after four sessions. I have decided to stop with the ear acupuncture though because I have seen no improvement whatsoever!

Last night I was sent off for an MRI scan to see if they could find anything lurking that shouldn't be. I explained my problems so they could keep their eyes open for ANYTHING suspicious but fortunately, or unfortunately -  it depends how you look at it, they found nothing at all. Apart from a brain, which reassured my youngest! To be honest, I didn't go expecting them to find anything so I probably wouldn't have been  prepared for any bad news! One more thing that has been checked.

I have also received all my results for allergies and they have all come back negative except Total IgE which would indicate an allergy of some kind, but could also indicate a parasite or something similar. The low neutrophils in the WBC could also be an indicator of a parasite so that remains a possibility. But if so, which one?

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