Monday 26 March 2012

Intolerance Testing

I finally got my test results back from GDX but badly interpreted which test I needed. I ordered the Factest and it all came back negative apart from the IgE Total which generally shows allergies but I'll let the allergy consultant confirm that as I know it can have other meanings depending on other test results. I know it can also mean a parasite infection. So I was really confused to say the least when I saw that all the results were negative and began to wonder if I wasn't barking up the wrong tree.Once the initial shock wore off, I knew there must have been a problem as I know too well that I do have intolerances. When I contacted them, they explained I should have done a different test for intolerances and they are sending me the right one. Financially it has come as a bit of a blow so I may have to wait a while.

Dad's didn't come back as bad as that and he only has to take out egg white for three months. To be honest, we're not overly impressed with the way things were handled with York test. After the first initial test which costs £10, they phoned up to say that he should really do the full test because they had found intolerances which would explain his health issues. So when they did the full test and only one came back with a Level 1 intolerance, you feel a bit ripped off. I'm sure the test is great and very useful to so many, but to be honest the sales technique is an absolute scandal and could be much more professional. My mum was thinking of doing it but is now hesitating. So he has taken out the egg white and it has been over a week and the itching is a bit better. We'll just have to wait and see with that one.

I have also received the allergy test results that were prescribed by the allergy consultant and so far, everything is negative apart from the grass plants family, which I knew anyway. It has been no big surprise as I don't have an immediate reaction to anything.I am still waiting for results on a few other things which don't concern a specific allergy but that will take another two weeks.

If there is one thing that Ihave definately improved on over the last few years, it's patience. Patience to get in to see a doctor, patience for the results and even more patience to get back in to see him after! Never mind, I will get an answer at some point...

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