Thursday 5 April 2012

Heavy Metal Intoxication

My research has lead me down many paths and another one has recently opened up. To be honest, I'd seen it a while ago but didn't look into it that much. Why now, I don't know.

I have just read a book written by a French woman who had herself, her three children and her granchild all suffering from major health problems and she decided to fight back. Her combat ressembles mine - endless doctos and blood tests, all negative until she finally came across a doctor who disgnosed her with heavy metel poisoning which saved her and her family.  So because of this, I decided to look a little more into it and came up with three fascinating and thought-provoking pieces of information:

  1. Testing for chronic heavy metal poisoning is difficult because a blood test only shows up positive if you have had a recent high level exposure but a chronic long-term exposure would show nothing as the metals stick into pieces of the body and isn't freely floating around in your body. There are other countries where tests and protocoles exist and are recognised by the national health system - Germany being one of them. The woman's blood was sent off to Germany to be tested. There is also a specific urine test but I am still looking into that.
  2. Gluten and caseine proteins, when eaten, bind with mercury to make a highly toxic product which would be responsable for many health problems. This could explain why so many people feel better on a gluten free dairy free diet without actually being coeliac. The more mercury you have, the worse the reaction.
  3. Mercury poisoning can be through several sources: fillings in your teeth (with greater problems if you've had them changed and/or you eat a lot of chewing gum), certain fish and seafood as there is a fair amount in some parts of the seas, vaccinations (and there are sooo many now in comparison to before), energy saving light bulbs (so be very careful not to break them!!). What I also learnt was that a mother passes on her metal intoxication in the womb, who then in turn passes it on to her children. Add that to the enormous amounts of vaccinations and they have high levels early on - and that's before they have fillings! This shows that as each generation accumulates the heavy metals of the generation before, they have more and more health problems and symptoms earlier than the generation before. My mum has problems with gluten, I started at about the age of 18 having real problems and my daughter at 7 years old! 
So I'm begining to think there come be some logic to this possibility. Now the major question is to find out how to go about testing and how to get a doctor to treat us. I have found a name of a doctor in Paris, so perhaps I will send her a mail...

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