Thursday 8 March 2012

Alternative Options

Not such a good day today as my mouth has started to go numb again and it’s never very reassuring.  I’m not sure why apart from the fact that I’ve been eating chocolate the last few days. It’s really hard following such a strict diet. If I’m going to « crack » I always try and stay reasonable and never touch gluten or dairy .So chocolate is a reasonable solution. I’ve also made some almond cakes with honey as the sugar substitute but only had one the other day and frozen the rest. I’m still trying to work out what I am really intolerant to so I’ve finally decided to do the test. It’s not going to be easy because there isn’t anywhere reliable in France. I’ve decided which laboratory I want to use (after yet more research) and am going for the one at Genova Diagnostics. I’ve ordered the kit and as soon as I get it, I’ll get it done and send it off. I have been hesitating, probably because of the cost, but it would have been much cheaper if I’d done it in the first place. I’m also going to do the complete digestive health test with the parasite test as I have read a lot about them and there is a high frequency of parasites in people with IBS. Now I am finally decided, I’m impatient for the kits and results.

So I have been very busy with appointments these last couple of days. I went back for a second visit to a doctor who does ear acupuncture and is, I think, a magnetiser. After the first time six weeks ago, nothing changed. I would almost say that I got worse. I very nearly didn’t go back at all but I know he has a very good reputation so I thought I would go back and see what he had to say. When I told him that there had been no improvement, he said that it wasn’t normal (well, of course he would) and said I have a problem with my energies and he was going to open them up and the things he did the first time should kick in too. I must admit, I did feel a wave of something come over me and I came out feeling very relaxed and very sure that something had changed. I’m still waiting to see as I have been a bit better in some respects but then the mouth thing came back today so I’ll just have to see. The needles in my ear from the first time are still there and are supposed to fall out when they have done what they are supposed to do so I guess I’ll use that as a guide. I now have two more needles in the other ear this time. At this rate I’m soon going to resemble a pin cushion ! So I’ll just have to see.

I also went to see a Naturopath last week. I had been researching and finally got in to see someone who also teaches naturopathy so I imagine he knows his stuff. I’ve had his report today and am a little disappointed I suppose. He hasn’t really told me anything that I didn’t know and aren’t already doing. He has suggested a Bach Flowers remedy that I haven’t done and Rosemary extract. I happy to try but feel like it’s just another stab in the dark. For someone that is at the beginning of their healing path or hasn’t been able to do the many hours of research that I have, then I’m sure it would have been a great starting point. But unfortunately that isn’t the case for me. After yet more research, what I really need to do is to consult a Nutritional Therapist. They are the ones who get you to do tests like the ones I mentioned at the beginning. It’s much more scientific and while I’ve lost faith in medicine, I still believe science has the key. So I’ll see what the test results are before consulting.

So that is where I am at this week. Next week I have a visit with the allergy consultant who will hopefully do a lot of allergy tests but I am pretty sure they will come back negative. My daughter has had a bad few days and it’s hard not to get wound up by the fact that I can’t seem to make her better. Once I have done the tests for me, depending on the results I’ll do the same tests for her. They aren’t cheap so I’m just doing one of us first. But if I can finally get to the bottom of this, then I’ll pay. My dad is also having intolerance testing at the moment but he has used York Test. I hesitated but GDX also does the gut test and I think is a little more scientific. I’m sure they are both great for intolerances but now I want to see what the results are before recommending anything. I feel like I’m finally at a turning point in all of this.

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