Monday 26 March 2012

Hypotoxic Diet - What does it consist of?

I've been asked by several people now what exactly am I eating. Some people even wonder if there is anything left to eat. Let me assure you that I am enjoying food and have lots of different recipes that fit with my 'restrictive' diet.Eating at friend's proves complicated and unfortunately stressful for the person who is cooking, so I often offer to take something to warm up. A few friends are starting to have health issues themselves and are realiing that food is having an effect on them.They are becoming more 'food concious' and this in turn allow them to cook for me when I go. I am compiling a list of recipes that work for this hypotoxic diet but for now, here is a list of what I can eat:

Vegetables                   all except raw tomatoes, raw mushrooms, potatoes, aubergines, sweet peppers
limit: cooked carrots, pumpkin, squash, parsnips, cooked tomatoes
Fruit                             banana not too ripe, apples, pears, berries (raw or compote without sugar)
limit: other fruit once a day
no dried fruit
Proteins                       chicken, turkey, fish, (except tuna) once a day
beef, lamb, pork, gluten-free sausages (twice a week)
no cold meats or seafood
Dairy                            no dairy whether it be cow, goat or ewe
except plain yoghurts, feta
                                   rice milk, coconut milk and cream
limit: soya milk
Grains and flours          brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa
                                   GF pasta (preferably brown rice), GF rice crackers, GF buckwheat crackers
                                    no: cornflour, soja flour
limit: cornstarch
Legumes                      all dried peas, beans and lentils
Dried fruits, nuts           all except peanuts and pistachios
                                   all grains: pumpkin, flax, sunflower etc
Oils                              all except peanut, corn, soja
                                   prefer premier pression vierge à froid
Condiments                  none except cider vinegar (unpasturised unfiltered if possible=
Sugar                           none (including aspartam etc)
exception: Stevia,
limit: honey, agave syrup, GF 70% dark chocolate,
Drinks  :                       herbal tea (without caffeine), still water, green tea, rice milk

Basic rules
No gluten
No sugar: glucose, lactose, fructose etc
No yeast
Eat as much raw food as possible and preferably organic where possible

  • Pro-biotiques
  • Extract of Grapefruit seeds – start with four drops three times a day after meals and increase gradually until 15 drops three times a day
  • Aged garlic
  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • vit D
  • digestive enzymes

Start the day with a cup of hot water and the juice of half a lemon and/or any other detox drink

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