Tuesday 28 February 2012

The Reason Behind This Blog

Over the last decade, health issues have been a major problem for me. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even if I know the fight is far from over. For so long I thought I was the only one like me and that perhaps I was even imagining it all. There are times when I've feared the worse and thought my time was almost up. My quality of life was reduced and my whole family suffered the consequences.

Throughout the whole process, I've spoken and chatted to so many people who revealed that in fact, they were feeling the same. So why did I think I was on my own? Why does nobody talk about it? Is it because we think that no-one will understand or that we won't be taken seriously? After all, the doctor doesn't seemd overly concerned... I can't answer that but what I can say is that nobody should have to feel like that and we all deserve better and I do believe that there are answers out there.

I decided to write this blog for me, for my daughter who is also suffering, for my friends and family and for all those out there who are suffering from mysterious illnesses that can't be named or are just grouped under labels of ME, IBS and stress. If it helps people understand why sometimes I have reacted in certain ways in the past or why there are times when I have to say no then it will have been worth doing. If people can feel less alone in their fight to feel well or if they can be helped my experience of me being a guinea pig for traditional, and sometimes less traditional methods of medicine, then that will be an added bonus. So here is my story....

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